
Academic Accommodations

Accommodations are provided to meet your individual needs. Eligibility for specific services is based on the recommendation of a DESP counselor or learning specialist. Services may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Test Taking Accommodations
  • Sign Language Interpreters and Real-Time Captioners
  • Equipment Loan
  • Alternate media services (including Braille, e-text, large print, and closed captioning)
  • Special Equipment
  • Adaptive Computers/Software
  • Text Reader
  • Text Enlarger
  • FM Loop
  • Braille Keyboard Readout Device
  • Digital Recorder
  • Smart Pens
  • Note Takers

Request approved accommodations through .

Schedule A Test or Quiz

  1. Log onto
  2. Click on Alternative Testing under My Accommodations on the left sidebar.
  3. Follow instructions to select your class from the dropdown menu and schedule your exam. Then, click Add Exam Request.

For more information, please contact:

Mike Scaletta (408) 741-2453 / TTY (408) 741-2658
